I'm compelled to write about the nature of "business." In the big scheme of things I haven't been in business for very long. I still have a day job, but have been working to grow my little crafty business, strongly so in the last couple of years. Diving head first into the venture (as opposed to toe dipping as I'd previously done) I've learned a thing or two.
The hardest lesson to swallow is that not everyone will think your work rocks this world. However, you have your own style. Your life story will be behind everything you make, which makes it unique in a very special way. Because not everyone "gets" you, your work will not appeal to each person who looks at it. Finding the people who get you, more commonly known in the business world as your market, is sometimes a very tough quest.
If you're still reading this post you might be asking, "what in the blazes is she telling me?" The above points are things to think about. The artsy and crafty business is all the rage these days and it's tough to move ahead if you don't consider all of the avenues. This post is merely to map out the avenues to consider. I've found some things that work for my business that might not work for yours. However, the one thing I can vehamently say to all arts and craft sellers is to forge ahead whole-heartedly. Give it your best effort. Find resources to help you along the way, but mostly find your path through trial and error. Only you know what works best for you and the sale of your work.
And one of the most important things I've learned is that a business based on creating objects of art or gifty ephemera will take more time and effort than you can ever imagine. I work forty hours a week at my day job and at least that amount at my crafty biz, usually more. But guess what? It's really fun, and when you succeed at something you've worked so on, well there's just nothing like it.
Credits to the above artwork:
Child Reading A Story Book Quietly
Riding A Donkey Asleep In The Rain
Midnight, Bonaventure Cemetery, 1993
Little Black Spider Offers Lace
I wholeheartedly agree with your post. The only saving grace is that when you love what you do, it doesn't feel like 'work', but it takes a lot of persistence.
Cindy, you're so right. Sometimes I feel guilty for "working" so much! Do I really deserve to have that much fun? Of course!
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