Friday, April 22, 2011

Hipster Store Passes On Opportunity Of A Lifetime

Remember when I was acting all brave and proud because I submitted an application to consign at a particular brick and mortar shop?  It took me months to screw up the courage to just send the e-mail, but I faced my insecurities and fears and just did it.  Yay for me! I said.  Well, guess what? 


Yep.  I've been having a rough time of it trying to get my business act together despite my courageous and brazen ways.  There are several tweeks I've been trying to make without much luck.  With the rejection letter I got from this particularly desirable store I thought about falling to pieces, packing up everything and going home, never to play with the big kids again.  But then I thought again.

There's no reason to take this personally, I told myself.  This is business, and someone made a business decision that didn't include me.  That's all there is to it.  I can live with that.  So instead of packing up and going home I reopened my e-mail and saw I had made another sale in my Etsy shop.  That sale did a lot more than soothe my hurt feelings.  It inspired me to open up a whole new online shop.

You see, the sale I made was for the WWMPD magnet, which has been the bulk of my sales since I opened my new Etsy shop in February.  For some reason, this particular sale made me think about opening a shop at Zazzle. 

Zazzle can do things Etsy can't, and vice versa.  So why not have two shops?  I'm starting out with the WWMPD design, which is available at my Zazzle shop in t-shirts, aprons, and mugs. 

I especially like this design on the burly guy wearing the t-shirt.

So what d'ya think of me now?!  I'll be taking it slow on Zazzle for the time being, but WWMPD products are available immediately. 

What could have turned out to be a dismal afternoon of dejection turned out to be one of navigating a new venue, redesigning my original image to suit new products, and generally feeling more empowered than ever.  Thanks, hipster store, for rejecting me.  It forced me to ask "What would Mary Poppins do?"  I think she would approve of my positive reaction to a disappointing situation.  A special thanks too, to the person who most recently bought the WWMPD magnet.  You made a difference in a way you'll never know.


MaryAnn said...

What a wonderful surprise! I had no idea you were branching out in this way! I think your new venue is fabulous! Good for you! "When God closes a door, he always opens a window." (Name that movie.)

Sara said...

Ha! It's more like "when someone slams the door in your face you break a window to get some air." We shall see what happens with this new adventure.

Anonymous said...

All lay load on the willing horse.

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