Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting The Groove Back

At long last, I'm back.  Maybe it hasn't been so long, but long enough for me.  We, Husby and I, have been quite occupied with the business of Mrs. Husby's demise, wake, and funeral, not to mention occupying ourselves with how we are going to proceed with Mr. Husby. 

The last couple of weeks have seemed like months.  Spending time in Husby's parents' house has been wearisome and downright boring at times.  Waiting...waiting...waiting.  Mrs. Husby had a peaceful demise for which we are all grateful.  The meeting and greeting during wake (visitation) and funeral has put a strain on our emotions and backs, although I must say it was good to see some distant friends.  It's also quite apparent that Husby and I have a marvelous network of family and friend support.  I can't give thanks enough for all my family has done during these times, and I must give a shout out to Ruthie for being so faithful and keeping my family in stitches and the Gundersons in coffee.

In those days and weeks I've been away from the computer and with my return I found out I've made several new friends and even made Etsy's Reading List.  What an honor!  Thank you Jane, of Glorious Hats for suggesting my humble article to the people at Etsy.

So now it's time to move on.  Next on the docket: candles, magnets, and drink charms.  Spring is officially here as we had our first thunderstorm of the year this morning.  That means it's time to build up inventory for upcoming the craft shows and festivals this summer.  I'm still trying to screw up the nerve to approach some brick and mortar shops for some consignment and wholesale business.  Kinda shy that way, but finding more venues for my wares is a goal for 2010.

This weekend I'm going to begin work on some new drink charm sets.  Here's a sneak peek:


Diana said...

Good luck on expanding your business!!~ Hope you get your consignment and wholesale accounts!!~ All the best!!~

Loved Ever said...

good luck to u. all wishes .
Work From Home India

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